Karachi Beach Radio, On the Sea: A Story of Seven Days | The First Story: Asha's Desire, 2019
Audio Recording (3:59 min)
Text and Voice: Attiya Dawood, Translated from Urdu to English by AnisPunjwani and YaminayChaudhri, Recording/Mixing: KBR
Attiya Dawood reflects on her time spent on Karachi‘s Little Beach during her KBR summer residency. She weaves together stories of seven days, each focused on a character from the beach. In the two stories selected here, we have the pleasure to meet Asha, a woman who actually lives on the public beach.
A Story of Seven Days is a Karachi Beach Radio album by Attiya Dawood, one of the KBR guests in the Seaview summer residency 2019.
Attiya Dawood is a celebrated Sindhi and Urdu poet, writer and activist and has been hailed as ‚the most important feminist writer in Sindhi‘.